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Sunday, August 05, 2007

About Freewebs Services

Freewebs provide a limited space for free to practice n host the website... the domain name obtained is "[your user mane]"

its cool service the limitations are single file uploading at a time,no server configuration etc etc.. but then it's available for free... its paid account covers teh deficiencies....

Freewebs is a free web hosting service which provides web designing tools to produce basic features of internet web hosting. Its provided services is widely used and "Premium Package" is available for site enhancement. Enhancement features include:

  1. Larger File Uploading Availability
  2. Larger Bandwith Uploading Availaility
  3. Unlimited Pages
  4. Password Protection
  5. FTP - File Transfer Protocol
  6. Advanced Media Tools

Recent Updates

Recently, Freewebs made some updates to their products including:

  1. Widget bank similar to LabPixies and WidgetBox
  2. Java based file uploader that allows drag and drop from the desktop and uploads multiple files at once.
  3. Redesigned the site manager and cleaned up the interface.
  4. Forums (beta), which allows users to have a discussion board on their Freewebs website.


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